Our Parish

Our Parish

Parish Membership

If you would like to register as a member of St. Jude Parish, please call the parish office or go online to our website. You need not live within parish boundaries to register. You will be mailed a registration card to be completed and returned to the office or you  can go to the web page and under parish links at the bottom of the page click on New Parishner Registration fill it out and click it back.

Changes to Personal Information
We ask that you notify the office anytime your personal information (name, address, phone number, etc.) changes. In this way the office will ensure you receive information you need as a member of St. Jude.

Representation Within the Parish
There are six Members-At-Large on Parish Council, whose job it is to represent your wants and needs to the Parish Administration. USE THEM! Anytime you have questions, concerns, ideas or suggestions, feel free to call a Member-At-Large.

At St. Jude the Apostle Parish, the worship we offer and celebrate together is given very high priority. It is the primary reason that our parish exists. Our baptismal call as followers of Jesus Christ is to give Him due praise and thanksgiving. As members of a Catholic community, we are called to worship Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as a community. We are called to celebrate our faith as a family. Our schedule of services follows.

Worship Schedule

Mass Schedule
To fulfill the Sunday obligation:
Saturday evening – 5:00 pm (except on Holy Saturday)
Sunday morning –  11:00 am  

Tuesday and Wednesday - 8:30 am

Holy Days of Obligation: [always a Holy Day of Obligation]

  • Immaculate Conception:
    • (Vigil Mass: )
    • (Holy Day Mass, Dec. 8:  )
  • Christmas (Dec. 24  )  (Dec. 25  )

Holy Days of Obligation [when solemnity occurs on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday]:

  • Assumption of Mary:
    • Vigil Mass (Aug. 14)
    • Holy Day Mass (Aug. 15)
  • All Saints’:
    • Holy Day Mass (Nov. 1) – 
  • Mary, Mother of God (Dec. 31)   (Jan. 1)

Please note that when the Solemnities of Mary, the Mother of God, or the Assumption, or All Saints falls on a Saturday or Monday. the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has decreed “the precept to attend Mass is abrogated”.  St. Jude’s normal Mass schedule will prevail when these Solemnities are not Holy Days of Obligation.

Other holy days (not obligatory):

  • Ash Wednesday 
  • Holy Thursday 
  • Good Friday 
  • Holy Saturday – see the Bulletin for the time of the Easter Vigil
  • All Souls’ (November 2) – see the Bulletin.

Civic Holidays:

  • Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day 
  • Thanksgiving Day   

Penance Schedule:   
Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm

Eucharistic Adoration:
Wednesday- 9:15-11:00 a.m. p.m.

Rev. 7/2022