The primary musical instrument in our worship is the human voice. Each of us are ministers of music at our liturgical celebrations as we all lift our voices together in sung prayer. The Music Ministry is involved in the leadership of these voices, and theIr musical accompaniment, in sung prayer. There are many ways to become involved in this ministry.
Cantors & Song Leaders lead the assembly in sung prayer at Mass.
The St. Jude Children’s Choir is open to parish students in grades 3-8. Rehearsals are on Thursday's from 2:30-3:15 pm in church. Choir members will lead music at all School Masses and usually sings at one 4:30 Mass ea...
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Ensembles are welcome. Parishioners interested in forming a more structured group of this type, and being worked into a schedule, are encouraged to call the Music Office.
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Instrumentalists of all ages are invited to share their talents with the rest of the assembly. Organists, pianists, guitarists, bassists, percussionists, and woodwind players could be used on a regular basis; players of other stringed, and brass inst...
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The Adult Choir is open to anyone 9th grade and older. No audition is necessary. The Adult Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings. September-May at 7:00 p.m. in the music room. The Adult Choir usually sings at the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sundays and other ...
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