Funeral Readings
The Scriptures on the web pages that are linked below are appropriate for use at Catholic Funeral Liturgies. One reading is chosen from each section: the Old Testament; the New Testament; and the Gospels. A Responsorial Psalm is also chosen. The Old and New Testament readings may be read by a family member, friend, or parish lector. The Response will be chanted by the Cantor. The Gospel will be proclaimed by a Priest or Deacon.
Choose from the readings listed and bring your selected readings to your meeting with the funeral planner.
Non-Scripture readings cannot be read in place of these readings.
1st Reading - Old Testament (outside the Season of Easter)
1st Reading - New Testament (during the Season of Easter)
Responsorial Psalms
2nd Reading - New Testament
Gospel Readings
Universal Prayer (General Intercessions)
Download the following document for examples of petitions that can be adapted and personalized for a Mass of Christian Burial.
General Intercessions for Funerals
Music for a Mass of Christian Burial
The following list is offered to help select songs for a funeral Mass.
St. Jude the Apostle Parish Funeral Music