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Directory of Ministries and Organizations

Parent Teacher Organization - The St. Jude Parent Teacher Organization is a body of parent representatives working with the school administration and faculty to keep parents abreast of recent trends and new developments in the St. Jude School. Its purpose is to provide support to the students and teachers.

PTO supplies a variety of services and goods through a volunteer-based organization directed by Board Members and the school principal. Several field trips and other educational programs are sponsored by PTO to enhance the school environment and benefit all the children. Fund-raising events, sales from the Gift Certificate program (gift cards from various merchants are sold after each Mass), etc., also provide revenues that are continually reinvested in the school.

PTO Membership - Primarily draws from fathers, mothers, and guardians of the pupils of St. Jude School, and members of the faculty. Since it is a parish organization, membership includes all members of St. Jude Parish. Executive Committee- President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Pastor and School Principal. Any parishioner can serve as an officer on PTO board.

Child Protection Orientation and Fingerprinting - All adults who work with children in any regular capacity, either as paid staff or volunteers are required by the Archdiocese to attend a Child Protection Orientation session and are to be fingerprinted. The Child Protection Orientation sessions are scheduled at various times throughout the year. Fingerprinting is held at the Archdiocese or at various parish locations. For information on either one, contact the parish office or the Religious Education Office.

For more information on any aspect of St. Jude School, please call the school office, 598-2100.

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