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A Pastoral (or Parish) Council is a consultative body that evaluates and responds to questions or issues brought to it by the pastor.  Council members give sound advice which allows the pastor to draw upon a broader base of knowledge and a practical wisdom that lies within the leadership of the parish community.  Pastoral Councils have the task of advising the pastor on important matters of pastoral activity, all the while recognizing that the final decisions rest with the pastor.

Since Pastoral Council members serve as the pastor’s counselors, the members of the Pastoral Councils at both parishes in our region will consist of:
• Pastor
• Parochial Vicar
• Chair of Buildings & Grounds Committee
• Chair of Education Commission or DRE
• Chair of Finance Commission or Business Manager
• Chair of Worship Commission

Other groups within our parishes will submit periodic written reports to the Pastoral Council.  These groups include but are not limited to:  Athletic Association (Boosters), Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), Scouting, St. Vincent dePaul, and Youth Ministry.

Periodic meetings will not be scheduled; the Pastoral Council will be convened when needs dictate.


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