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Are you a member of another Christian church who is interested in inquiring about the Catholic faith? Are you a Catholic who has not received the sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist? Are you not baptized, but might be interested in learning about Jesus?

If any of these descriptions fit you (or someone you know) might be interested in looking into what Catholics believe. RCIA is a yearlong process of prayer, learning, celebrating and discerning to enable people to know if they want to make a commitment to Jesus through the Catholic Church.

Adults wishing to convert to the Catholic religion should enroll in this program (Catechumenate) which provides the ingredients for a complete journey of faith: Faith, Conversion, Liturgy and Community. It is the celebration of the key moments of conversion within the heart of the candidate.

It involves prayer, instruction, and the formal celebration of acceptance in the Church at the Easter Vigil. The RCIA is continuous from September through Pentecost.

Each Sunday at the 8:30 a.m. Mass they meet and then continue their instruction until 11:00 a.m.

We also encourage any adult Catholics who wish to “re-acquaint” themselves with their Catholic religion to enroll in this program. Please call the parish office for details, or to enroll.

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